Developing the Chapters
A South Coast hide away, working with a writer to hash out the pages of the book, chapter by chapter.
I took myself off to a hide away on the South Coast of Kwazulu Natal, it was here I worked with a writer, including all the write ups and interviews that I have been doing over numerous months, in order to hash out the pages of the book, chapter by chapter. Here is a little on the experience.
It is exciting to be finally getting the structure of the book in a more final breakdown. The writer, has been fundamental to this process and instrumental in getting all the ideas, information and the vision of the book from my head into written form. That teamed with all the write ups and the interviews I have been doing over the last couple of years, we are hashing out the pages of the book, chapter by chapter. It is sometimes an overwhelming and intense process for both of us, as he is not in the industry and many of the everyday movie making methods we as industry people take so much for granted, to him is a foreign language, never mind the terms and language we use. It is for this very reason I wanted someone not in the industry to be involved in the writing process, as although the book is a tribute to the film industry, I want the man on the street to get some insight into what all happens behind the scenes, in order for them to be able to watch a movie or series. Don’t think it can all be written in detail in one book, however we are going to attempt to give them a glimpse.
The photo editing is also a real challenge, as I have over the years done a fair amount of sorting into the different departments, but somewhere along the line lost momentum in my own personal journey and had three years of pics that needed to go through the selection process, and what a process that is. Of course I am attached to every image, mostly for who is in it! Closer to the time I will work with outside assistance…editors, to help me pry my emotional attachment from clutching at every image, believing that “this one” has to be in. The process will aim at editing them down to the best images showing off this industry in its full glory!
It is still challenging at this point and there are some departments that need more information. As it has not been my full time job, but grabbing interviews on sets in the breaks and even then time runs out and suddenly the movie is over and there are so many I just didn’t get round to interviewing. The interviews, more an informal chat, to get crew’s tongues to loosen up and speak about how they see their role in the film making process. Although their words won’t be word for word in the book, they are a way to get a deeper understanding, as well as being able to pull quotes, to ensure an authentic and accurate chapter of each department.
The journey continues…
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